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Custom Roles

If you need to expand beyond the Default Roles to better fit your organization, you can easily define your own custom roles within LILT. By default, adding and editing custom roles is only available to the administrator role.

To get started, navigate to the Organization > Roles tab.

The Roles page displays all the default roles and custom roles of the organization.

To add a new role, clicking the New role button in the upper-left. This opens a pop-up where you can set the name for the custom role, add a description, and toggle on each permission you want the role to have.

The permissions available to be toggled shown below for reference. To compare against what permissions the default roles have, see the Default Roles article.



Create / Edit









Terminology data


Team members



API key

Organization settings

User visibility

User visibility is a security feature that can anonymize translator information of TM entries displayed in LILT Translate. This helps keep sensitive information away from roles that don’t need it to perform their duties.

  • If a role has the User visibility option turned on, users with that role can see translator information for TM entries. The default roles “Administrator” and “Manager” have this setting.

  • If a role has the User visibility option turned off, users with that role cannot see translator information for TM entries. The translator information will instead be filled with asterisks. The default roles “Translator” and “Reviewer” have this setting.

User visibility turned off

User visibility turned on

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