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The LILT connector enables companies to automatically push and pull web content between your preferred project management tool and LILT. This saves you time by providing seamless localization while letting you continue to work in the systems you know.


  1. Open your Project in the project management tool, click on Settings / API Tokens, and copy the project API token.

  2. Email the project management tool API token to your point of contact at LILT to get the integration set up.


Once the connector is configured, content is automatically moved between LILT and the project management tool, as outlined in the sections below.

Project creation

  1. Upload the file you'd like translated into the project management tooI and select the target languages.

  2. LILT periodically checks for new files in the project management tool. When new files are detected, LILT automatically creates a Project for each file (and target language) where the content can be localized.

Project completion

LILT periodically checks for LILT Projects that have been marked as Done. When detected, the localized content is automatically pushed back to the project management tool.

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