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Segment Deletion & Document Management

At times, you may want to delete a document in a project. The following FAQs describes the security model of document deletion and implications to translations.

What are the implications of deleting a document?

Deleting a document from a Project also deletes the translations in that document from the Project's associated Data Source. In other words, translations in a document are no longer available via memory matches from the data source once the document is deleted.

If a document is deleted, are all segments removed?

Yes, although it is a "soft delete" in which the rows are marked as deleted and become unavailable to the application.

If segments are deleted, are they removed from the Data Source?

The segments are still trained into the Contextual AI model. However, they will no longer be available as memory matches from the data source.

What are the benefits, if any, of keeping documents in the system?

Retaining translated documents improves translation speed by offering memory matches from the data source and Contextual AI suggestions during translation. Additionally, translations from retained documents will continue to be returned via the Concordance search.

Once a document is deleted, are the contents retained anywhere?

Yes. Segment data is still present in the database (marked as deleted). The imported and exported documents, along with intermediate processing artifacts, remain in persistent storage.

Can a file be attached to multiple projects?

A document can only be attached to a single project, but the same file could be uploaded as a document across multiple projects.

How do I permanently remove segments from the Data Source and the LILT Platform?

Hard-delete is an available option for self-managed customers only. When enabled:

  • Deleting a document permanently removes the document and its relevant segment information from the system.

  • Deleting a project permanently removes the project's documents and relevant segment information from the system.

Note that segment data is also stored in the associated Data Source. Deleting a project or document doesn't delete the associated Data Source entries (since Data Sources can be attached to multiple projects). To remove all traces of project segment content from the system, the associated Data Source entries also must be deleted.

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