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Organization Settings

LILT provides organizations with several settings that can be tweaked to streamline the translation process in the way that works best for your organization.

To find the settings, navigate to the settings gear  on the left sidebar.

Next, navigate to the Settings page

The options within the Settings page affect all users and projects across your organization. Changing settings will affect your session immediately and will take effect for other organization members when they refresh their page.

The settings page is broken down into the following sections:

  • General settings

  • Translate settings

  • Workflow settings

  • Assignment settings

  • Create settings

General settings

Translate settings

If the Allow Copy/Paste setting is set to "Warn", linguists will get the below popup if they copy/paste content from outside of the LILT Platform into the CAT editor.

If the MT suggestions are set to "LILT Contextual AI", linguists will see suggestions in both the CAT and the CAT sidebar. If suggestions are set to "None", there will be no suggestions. "None" is typically used when a translation needs zero MT bias. 

Workflow settings

The Workflow settings section allows you to set the default settings for new Projects created within your organization. These settings can be overridden on a per-Project basis from the Project Settings page of existing Projects.

Assignment settings

When a linguist is assigned to a document, they are automatically sent an email notification. Whatever content is in the Organization level instructions field will be included in all assignment emails for the organization. This is a great place to include:

Note that assignment instructions can also be added at the Project level, as described in the Project Settings article.

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