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Connector Login Credentials

Below are useful scripts and CLI commands to setup and manage connector applications. A proper connector deployment has about 9 services but the manager-ui is the most important. It provides the admin UI portal for a user to create connectors, trigger a job and create organizations.

Connector services:

  • beehive

  • configuration-api

  • events-consumer

  • login

  • manager-ui

  • monitor

  • plugin-api

  • token-proxy

  • webhooks

  • webhooks-consumer

Connectors Domain

By default, the self-managed installation configures the and subdomains with the corresponding certificates. Once the LILT installation is complete and all the LILT apps are running correctly, you should be able to access the connectors-admin UI by mapping the IP of the worker node on your local machine to and (in Linux distributions, /etc/hosts is often the main file that holds such mappings).

The new entry at /etc/hosts, will be similar to this:


Once that's done, you could ping the URL, and you should get the IP of the node. If that's correct and the LILT apps are running properly, you should be able to go to the browser and enter the following:

Create user credentials for UI portal

NOTE: From Lilt versions lilt-enterprise-2024.02.08 or later, the username and password are admin/admin by default.

The admin portal UI doesn't have the capability to add users with buttons and also it doesn’t manage user privileges. To put it briefly, every user is an admin. There is python command tools.manage_users for creating login users.

python -m tools.manage_users create --username <name> --password <pass>

NOTE: You must run the script inside one of the connectors Kubernetes pods, preferably the manager-ui pod.

First display all the running connectors pods from your kubernetes namespace

$ kubectl get pods -n <NAMESPACE>

# output
lilt-manager-ui-dcfddd97c-5xd26                    1/1     Running     5 (11h ago)   11h
lilt-monitor-58df986bc9-c86d9                      1/1     Running     5 (11h ago)   11h
lilt-plugin-api-5b9f4c6f4f-mc5jt                   1/1     Running     5 (11h ago)   11h
lilt-token-proxy-fb997f96b-pql9m                   1/1     Running     0             11h
lilt-webhooks-85475cc977-wzqfw                     1/1     Running     5 (11h ago)   11h
lilt-webhooks-consumer-7c98b956f8-pz67p            1/1     Running     0             11h

You can now attach your console to the manager-ui pods

$ kubectl exec -it lilt-manager-ui-dcfddd97c-5xd26 bash

Create a login user admin with password admin

python -m tools.manage_users create --username admin --password admin

Now go to your browser and login to portal, you should see:

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

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