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The LILT + Crowdin connector enables companies to automatically push and pull web content between Crowdin and LILT, saving you time by providing seamless localization while letting you continue to work in the systems and workflow you already know.

The Crowdin connector supports:

  • Job submission via Crowdin: Create a new Job in LILT by creating a task in Crowdin and assigning it to a LILT Crowdin user.

  • Job progress monitoring: Within Crowdin, you can check whether a task has been retrieved by the LILT connector and whether the task has been delivered back into Crowdin.

  • Job delivery to Crowdin: Once content is localized in LILT, LILT delivers the localized content back to Crowdin for approval.


At a high level, the installation steps are as follows:

  1. Invite LILT as a Contributor to your Crowdin workspace and projects

  2. LILT accepts the invite and procures a Crowdin API token.

To set up your LILT + Crowdin connector:

  1. You must first invite LILT as aTranslator to your Crowdin workspace. This can be accomplished by navigating to User Management > INVITE USERS and entering as the email address.

  2. Invite to your projects by opening a project, navigating to Members > INVITE PEOPLE.

  3. LILT will receive an invite email with instructions for how to create an account within your Crowdin team. Once in Crowdin, the API token can be retrieved by navigating to Account settings > Access tokens. A new token can be created by selecting the “NEW TOKEN” button.

  4. LILT will configure the connector.


Once the connector is configured, content is moved between LILT and Crowdin as outlined below.

Job creation

Customers can send new or existing content to LILT for localization by assigning the LILT contributor to one or many tasks. The connector periodically checks for tasks that have been assigned to the LILT contributor. When tasks are found, the content is automatically pulled into LILT for localization.

Job completion

Once the content has been localized in LILT, the target content is automatically delivered back to Crowdin.

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