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LILT Workflows

What is LILT Workflows?

High Level Feature Breakdown

  • Jobs/projects are required to have a workflow selected

  • Documents now have statuses

  • Document level statuses are based on the workflow applied at the project level. Projects must be assigned one of the six workflows below:

    1. Translate

    2. Translate > Review

    3. Translate > Review > Secondary Review

    4. Translate > Secondary Review

    5. Instant > Review

    6. Instant > Review > Secondary Review

  • Review cannot start until the translator marks the document as done.

    • Instant > Review starts automatically processing the Instant translation step. Once the Instant step is completed, the Review step can be started.

  • Secondary reviewers cannot access the document until the document is ready for secondary review (doc status = Secondary review)

  • Added new tab to revision reports to capture feedback from secondary reviewers

Selecting a workflow

All jobs and projects are required to have a workflow.


Workflow selector

On the Jobs page, Admin and Managers can see the workflow defined for the job.


For added visibility, Admins and Managers can also see which workflow was selected at the top of the Documents page.


Document Status

Document statuses automatically update based on user actions as illustrated below.

Users with the permission to create/edit jobs and projects (like Admins and Managers) can manually change the document status. This can be used if you want to skip a step in the flow.

For translator roles, the document status does not appear editable and cannot be manually changed.

User Assignment & Workflows

The workflow selected affects the number of users you can assign at the project/document level.

For example, you can assign two users if you select the Translate > Review workflow. Three if you select the Translate > Review > Secondary Review workflow or only one if you select the Translate workflow.

Document level user assignment. Project is using the Translate > Review workflow. (you can’t have documents with different workflows. they all use the workflow assigned at the project level)

Project level assignment. Project is using the Translate only workflow.

Organization Settings

Org settins support workflows and can be found in the Workflows tab of the settings page.

Default workflow

  • Any jobs/projects will be created with the default workflow unless specified otherwise. Note: Only admins and managers can change the default workflow when submitting jobs.

View comments

  • When toggled ON, anyone assigned as a secondary reviewer to a document can see the comments left behind by a translator or reviewer in the CAT editor.


When should I use a workflow with the Secondary Review stage?

The Secondary Review stage in LILT is only meant for secondary review performed inside LILT’s CAT editor. If you are doing secondary review offline (outside of LILT) please do not select a workflow that has the secondary review stage included.

What should I do if a notification appears that MT is in progress?

This means that either the Instant step or pre-translation is being completed. Once either is complete, the workflow will automatically advance to the next stage.

What if I want to change a project’s workflow?

You cannot change a job or project’s workflow once created.


Any job/project created via connector will be assigned the organization's default workflow. The ability to assign a different workflow depending on the connector will come in a future feature release.

Please note that after the connector brings the project into LILT, you cannot change the workflow.

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