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How to Read Revision Reports

Revision Reports provide summaries of all segment revisions made by reviewers across all documents within a Project. Project managers and linguists can utilize Revision Reports to gauge performance and make adjustments that increase productivity in future Projects.

Revision Reports let project managers see how linguists are performing both at a glance and in a detailed breakdown. This article helps project managers understand how to read revision reports and use them to improve their quality metrics.

Revision Reports show project managers how translations were edited by reviewers. This data can help improve translation quality and allow project managers to train translators on how to better meet client expectations.

Generating a Revision Report

To generate a Revision Report, navigate into the desired Project, and navigate to the Reports > Revision Report tab. This report contains all revisions made within the Project.

Reading Revision Reports

Revision Reports highlight important metadata at the top of the table, and use a tabular format to show all revisions made by Reviewers and Customer Reviewers, respectively.

Downloading Detailed Revision Reports

Using the Deliver > Download revision report action in the top right corner of the page, you can access an Excel file with more detailed revision history. This includes two tabs: Summary and Revisions. 


The Summary sheet provides a summary of all revision information for a Project.

Total source segment count

The number of source segments in the Project.

Accepted segment count

The number of segments with accepted translations.

Accepted sampled segment count

The number of sampled segments that were accepted.

Accepted sampled segments with revisions

The number of sampled segments accepted with revisions.

% Accepted sampled segments with revisions

Out of all the sampled segments, the percent of segments accepted with revisions.

Accepted random sampled segments with errors

The number of random sampled segments with errors. 

% Accepted random sampled segments with errors

The percent of random sampled segments with errors.

AutoMQM Error Rate

The error rate (%) among the segments that were selected for AutoMQM.

For more information on sampling, see the Review Sampling article.


The Revisions sheet provides detailed information for every change made to every reviewed segment in the Project. Each row is dedicated to a specific revision of a segment.

Document Name

The name of the document the revision took place in.

Segment Number

The segment number in the document.

Segment ID

The ID number of the segment that was revised.


The source text being reviewed.

Sampled Segment

A True or False value indicating whether the segment was sampled during Review Sampling.

Confirmed Target

The text when it was confirmed by the translator.

Reviewed Target

The text accepted by the reviewer.

Reviewer Changes?

A Yes or No value indicating whether the reviewer made changes to the confirmed target.


The name of the translator, if they have given a name for their account.

Translator Email

The email associated with the translator’s account.


The name of the reviewer, if they have given a name for their account.

Reviewer Email

The email associated with the reviewer’s account.

Error Resolved?

A Yes or No value indicating whether the error indicated by the reviewer was resolved by the translator.

Error Category

The category of error selected by the reviewer. For more information on error categories, see this article.

Error Sub-Category

The sub-category of error selected by the reviewer. For more information on error categories, see this article.

Error Severity

The severity of error selected by the reviewer. For more information on error categories, see this article.

Error Comment

The comment left by the reviewer when indicating the error. This does not include translator comments.

Error Commenter

The name of the reviewer who left the comment.

Revision Target

The segment content before the reviewer reviews it, which is generally the same as the confirmed target.

Error Revision ID

The ID of the revisions.

Revision Reviewer

The name of the reviewer who last made a revision to the segment.

Revision Reviewer Email

The email address of the reviewer who last made a revision to the segment.

Revision Date

The date and time (GMT) at which the revision occurred.

Segment last update Date

Timestamp of when the segment was last updated by anyone.

Revisions overview

The Revisions overview sheet provides the same information as the Revisions sheet, except that instead of displaying every change, the Revisions overview sheet is a consolidated display of the most recent changes for each segment, with only displays one entry per segment.

Customer Review Revisions

Document Name

The name of the document the revision took place in.

Segment ID

The ID number of the segment that was revised.

Segment Number

The segment number in the document.


The source text being reviewed.

Reviewed Target

The text accepted by the reviewer.

Customer Review Errors

The comment left by the customer reviewer when indicating the error. This does not include translator comments.

Customer Review Error Category

The category of error selected by the customer reviewer. For more information on error categories, see this article.

Customer Review Error Sub-Category

The sub-category of error selected by the customer reviewer. For more information on error categories, see this article.

Customer Review Error Severity

The severity of error selected by the customer reviewer. For more information on error categories, see this article.

Customer Reviewers

The name of the customer reviewer, if they have given a name for their account.

Utilizing Revision Reports as a linguist

While linguists do not have access to generate Revision Reports, it can be useful for project managers to share the report with translators to provide an overview of the translator’s performance and identify areas for improvement. If translators do not receive regular feedback on their translations, they will not know what parts of their work require revision, and therefore will make repeated mistakes, creating additional work for reviewers or clients.

The Revision Report columns Reviewed Target, Error Type, and Error Comment allow translators to see what errors were flagged by reviewers and what changes were made to the translations. This facilitates discussion between translators and reviewers to help them formulate plans for improving team communication, collaboration, and performance. For example, if a linguist notices they’ve received mostly literal translation errors, they might ask the project managers or reviewers for best practices on how to have a more marketable style.

Utilizing Revision Reports as a project manager

Similar to a linguist, project managers also use the revision report as a basis to see how linguists are doing based on the error rates in a report.

When a Project has a high error rate, this signifies that a linguist might have quality issues. Within Lilt, an error rate of more than 5% is considered high. When this happens, it is the project manager’s responsibility to go into the Revision Reports to see what kind of errors are being made by the linguists. From there, the project manager will devise tactics to help the linguists improve quality.

As the project manager analyses the report, they might see a pattern in errors, such as most errors being of a specific type. With that information, the project manager can formulate an action plan for the linguist based on the errors committed. 

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