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AWS Configuration


The first step when helping a customer set-up AWS credentials is to ask their IT department if they have:

  • Keys for a user with TranslateFullAccess and AmazonS3FullAccess policies

  • An S3 bucket that user has access to

If the customer does not have a keys for a user with that information or a bucket. Someone from their IT department will have to do the following:


Configuring the AWS Configuration in AI Hub, will enable the customer to access all available services via the AWS Bedrock ecosystem, including:

  • Amazon Titan Express

  • AI21 Labs

  • Anthropic Claude Models

  • Amazon Textract

  • Amazon Transcribe

Create a new user

  • Search for IAM and select IAM.

  • Select Users, “Create User”

  • You do not need to select “Provide user access to the AWS Management Console”

  • Attach policies directly

    • TranslateFullAccess

    • AmazonS3FullAccess

    • AmazonTextractFullAccess (OCR Only)

    • AmazonTranscribeFullAccess (ASR only)

  • Now click Create User

  • Search for the user created in the previous step and select

  • Click Security credentials

  • Click “Create access key”

  • Select Third-party service, select Next

  • Name the key

  • Download .csv file this is your “AWS Access Key ID” and “AWS secret access key”. You will not be able to recreate the .csv

Create AWS data access ARN

  • Search for the user you created in “Create user” steps

  • Click into the user

    • Scroll down to Permissions policies

    • Select “TranslateFullAccess”

    • The ARN will be on the top right

Create S3 Bucket

  • Type in S3 in bar

  • Click S3

  • Create Bucket

    • Choose an AWS region

      • We reccommend US-EAST-1

    • Select a General purpose

    • Name the bucket

    • Unselect “block public access”

    • Disable Bucket versioning

    • (Optional) we recommend that you add a LILT tag, so that you can track your usage

    • Click create the bucket

  • Enter this bucket name into LILT’s Amazon credentials, and select the region the Bucket is assigned


Q: Which Amazon Translate actions do I need to include in the IAM policy?

A: Translate, S3 bucket

Q: Do specific resource types need to be indicated in the policy or the ARN?

A: Ideally yes, you would create a very specific IAM. Without specific resource types, someone could have more or less privileges than what you want on your AWS account.

Q: For the ARN, we need more information about what exactly is required. Is this for encryption?

A: No it is to access translate client, S3, and other resources needed for translation.

Q: What happens if we turn on the “Use Terminology” option? Will this create a terminology resource in AWS with our Lilt glossary/TB or the other way around (it will use custom terminology already uploaded to AWS)?

A: LILT will send the terminology from the data source to AWS, and the terminology will be used in AWS.

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