Google Configuration
The first step when helping a customer set-up GCP credentials is to ask their IT department if they have:
Service account keys with Cloud translation API Admin, Storage admin, and Storage object admin permissions
Bucket with Location =US-Central1, and Storage class = standard class.
If the customer does not have a service account or bucket with that information. Someone from their IT department will have to do the following:
Configuring the Google Configuration in AI Hub, will enable the customer to access all available services via the Google Cloud ecosystem, including:
Google PaLM2
Google Gemini
Google Cloud ASR
Google Cloud Image to Text
Create a Service Account and get Keys
Type Service accounts into search bar and select “Service accounts IAM & Admin”
Click “Create service account”
Give name, click “Create and Continue”
Grant service account with the correct permissions:
Cloud translation API admin
Storage admin
Storage object admin
If setting up OCR and ASR
(If setting up OCR also include “Cloud Vision AI Service Agent”)
(If setting up ASR also include “Cloud Speech-to-text Service Agent”)
Grant users access to this service account
Leave all fields empty
Click Done
Create the key
Search for the service account created in previous step, select the service account
It should say “No keys”, which means we have to generate keys
Click “Keys”
Click “Add Key”
Please note that you cannot regenerate a key so you need to store the key once it is created.
Select JSON and click “Create”
This JSON key can be imported into LILT

Creating a bucket
The customer can use whatever bucket they want as long as the bucket is Location =US-Central1 and Storage class = standard class. If they customer does not have a bucket that meets these criteria, follow the steps below:
Search Buckets and select “Buckets”
Create a bucket
Name the bucket
Select region US-Central1
Storage Class for Data = Standard
Choose how to control access to objects
LILT can work with either choice, customer should choose whichever is best for their systems.
Choose how to protect object data
LILT can work with either choice, customer should choose whichever is best for their systems.
Click Create, choose confirm
Input the bucket name into LILT
In the example above you would paste “example-bucket-lilt” into LILT credentials