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Google Configuration


The first step when helping a customer set-up GCP credentials is to ask their IT department if they have:

  • Service account keys with Cloud translation API Admin, Storage admin, and Storage object admin permissions

  • Bucket with Location =US-Central1, and Storage class = standard class.

If the customer does not have a service account or bucket with that information. Someone from their IT department will have to do the following:


Configuring the Google Configuration in AI Hub, will enable the customer to access all available services via the Google Cloud ecosystem, including:

  • Google PaLM2

  • Google Gemini

  • Google Cloud ASR

  • Google Cloud Image to Text

Create a Service Account and get Keys

  • Type Service accounts into search bar and select “Service accounts IAM & Admin”

  • Click “Create service account”

    • Give name, click “Create and Continue”

    • Grant service account with the correct permissions:

      • Cloud translation API admin

      • Storage admin

      • Storage object admin

        • If setting up OCR and ASR

          • (If setting up OCR also include “Cloud Vision AI Service Agent”)

          • (If setting up ASR also include “Cloud Speech-to-text Service Agent”)

    • Grant users access to this service account

      • Leave all fields empty

      • Click Done

    • Create the key

      • Search for the service account created in previous step, select the service account

        • It should say “No keys”, which means we have to generate keys

      • Click “Keys”

        • Click “Add Key”

          • Please note that you cannot regenerate a key so you need to store the key once it is created.

        • Select JSON and click “Create”

    • This JSON key can be imported into LILT

Creating a bucket

The customer can use whatever bucket they want as long as the bucket is Location =US-Central1 and Storage class = standard class. If they customer does not have a bucket that meets these criteria, follow the steps below:

  • Bucket

    • Search Buckets and select “Buckets”

    • Create a bucket

      • Name the bucket

      • Select region US-Central1

        • Storage Class for Data = Standard

      • Choose how to control access to objects

        • LILT can work with either choice, customer should choose whichever is best for their systems.

      • Choose how to protect object data

        • LILT can work with either choice, customer should choose whichever is best for their systems.

        • Click Create, choose confirm

        • Input the bucket name into LILT

  • In the example above you would paste “example-bucket-lilt” into LILT credentials

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