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Tags Quality Assurance

Tag errors are easy to miss. That’s why LILT’s Auto Review automatically searches for potential tag errors for you, saving time and effort. This article goes over using Auto Review for finding tag errors. To learn more about tags in general, see the Tags & Formatting article.

Running Full QA Checks

To reveal tag errors across all segments in a document, open the File tab and click Run full QA check.

To run QA Checks on a single segment, click on the QA button on the right side of the segment.

After running QA Checks, if any potential tag issues are found, they will be highlighted in LILT Translate. Note that the QA Checks also searches for and displays Linguistic Errors.

Hover over any tags highlighted by the QA check to see information and suggestions about the tag error.

Issues with tag placement are typically found around punctuation, whitespace, or numbers. These types of tag errors can be easily overlooked, so utilizing LILT’s QA Checks to automatically search for them is a good way to ensure accuracy.

Summary of the Tag QA rules

Error Message

Possible Triggers


Tags may be misplaced around punctuation

  • Tag has a leading or trailing punctuation mark in the source, but not the target.

  • Tag has an extra leading or trailing punctuation mark in the target.

<b>Hello,</b> from LILT
Target with error:
<b>Bonjour</b>, de LILT
Target without error:
<b>Bonjour,</b> de LILT

Tags may be misplaced around whitespace

  • Tag has a leading or trailing space in the source, but not the target.

  • Tag has an extra leading or trailing space in the target.

<b>Hello there </b>
Target with error:
Target without error:
<b>Bonjour </b>

Tags do not wrap identical content in the target

  • Span wrapped by a tag pair in the source appears exactly in the target, but it is not wrapped by the tag pair.

<b>The shovel</b> works well
Target with error:
<b>La pelle fonctionne bien</b>
Target without error:
<b>La pelle</b> fonctionne bien

Tags co-located in the source are not co-located in the target

  • Two tags have the same position in the source, but don't have the same position in the target.

Target with error:
Target without error:

Missing text between tags

  • There is a paired tag with text between it in the source, but not in the target.

Target with error:
Target without error:

Mismatched tags at beginning of sentence

  • Tag has position 0 in the source, but not position 0 in the target.

  • Tag has position 0 in the target, but not in the source.

Target with error:
Target without error:

Mismatched tags at end of sentence

  • Tag is at end of source, but not at end of target.

  • Tag is at end of target, but not at end of source.

Hello, from <b>LILT</b>
Target with error:
Bonjour, de <b></b>LILT
Target without error:
Bonjour, de <b>LILT</b>

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

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