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Accepting Document Assignments

When a project manager assigns you as the translator or reviewer of a document (as described in the Document Actions article), you will receive an email notification from Jobs list.

From the Jobs list, you can open the job and project to browse the assigned documents, and then accept or reject each assignment (individually or in batches). To batch accept/reject, select each document you want to accept/reject (or click the Select all documents button at the top), then click Accept selected or Reject selected.

You can also accept or reject assignments directly from the email notification by clicking on the Accept all / Reject all buttons or the check

/ cross
buttons next to each document.

Ready for review notification

When documents have been marked as done in translation, the assigned reviewer will be notified (both by email and in the application) that the document is ready for review. Reviewers will only receive these notifications if they have accepted the assignment before the document has been marked as done in translation.

Application notification:

Email notification:

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