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LILT Linguist Homepage

The Linguist homepage is a completely redesigned homepage for linguists. The designs were optimized for simple navigation and project prioritization. On the Linguist Homepage, linguists can now see due dates, customer names, project stages, total segments, and completion percentage for each individual document. These documents can be organized into completion states, quickly filtered, and easily ordered. All these improvements enable linguists to quickly sort through their documents, find the most important job, and start translating!


On Home, you will find 4 primary categories of Jobs:

  • New

    • Jobs that have just been assigned to you, where you will have the option to Reject or Accept

  • In Progress

    • Jobs that you have begun work (translation or review) on but not yet completed

  • Completed

    • Jobs that you have completed work on

  • Quality Feedback (Delivered)

    • Any jobs that have been delivered to the customer, with potential access to revision reports.

Please note you will still have access to the Jobs view, and Linguist Stats via the sidebar.

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