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Linguist Stats

The Linguist Stats report provides information on payment data and hours worked. This is broken down by Project and document.

Accessing the report

You can access the report by clicking the Linguist Stats tab in the side bar under Observability.

If you are having issues accessing the report, try the following:

  • Disable any ad blockers from running on

  • Access LILT in an incognito browser window.

The report explained

Important notes about this feature

  • This report does not impact your payments. Payment procedures are outlined in the Payment Policy article.

  • Project information (including hours worked) is only viewable in the LILT Platform while a Project is in a non-archived state. Once a Project is archived, Project status information becomes inaccessible.

  • The dashboard does not update in real-time. It takes 4 hours before your work will show up in the dashboard.

  • LILT pays for hours worked in decimal format. For example, if you have worked for 2 hours and 27 minutes, it will be shown as 2.45 hours.

  • The payout amounts in the report are based on your current hourly rate. For example, if your hourly rate changes, your historical payout amount will be calculated using your current hourly rate for the report; actual payments are not impacted.

  • The payout calculations in the report could differ from your actual payout amount if you had a payment for work done outside the standard production process.

Payment estimate by Project and document

The table displays a number of metrics broken down by Project and document.

  • ProjetID & Project Name: Identify the project associated with your stats and payout.

  • Source & Target Language: Source and Target language of the project worked on.

  • Time Reviewing: The amount of time you spent on the document working in review mode.

  • Time Translating: The amount of time you spent on the document working in translate mode.

  • Est Review Payout: The estimated payout based on your Hours Reviewing X Rate. Note: This number could differ from that amount you see on your paystub.

  • Est Translation Payout: The estimated payout based on your Hours Translating X Rate. Note: This number could differ from that amount you see on your paystub.

  • Est Total Payout: The estimated payout based on your Hours Translated + Hours Reviewing X Rate.

  • Customer Name: Name of customer related to the project

  • Translator Delivery Date: The date that the linguist's work was completed

  • Customer Delivery Date: The date that LILT delivered to the customer

  • Payout Date: The date that linguists should expect to be paid based on Lilt's payout schedule.

Offline Projects

For offline payments, click on Offline Payments next to Project-wise details, which will provide a breakdown of the project, the date, amount, and status of your payment.

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