Settings for LILT Create
LILT Create provides a consistent brand voice by integrating your company-specific stylistic preferences and can produce high-quality quality by using your historical business context paired with large language models.
Preferences & Style Guide
Preferences and style guides are saved centrally at the organization level, and will apply to all content generated. To set or edit your preferences, click on “Update your brand style guide” from the main prompting page, which will open up a new settings tab. You can also access these using the settings gear in the lower left-hand corner of the main LILT page.

First, set your Create style guide preferences by selecting your LLM from the Organization settings - Workflow tab.

LILT Create AI Provider
Next, integrate your company-specific stylistic preferences by updating your style guide in the Style guide tab. Document your intended audience, use of content, and tone of voice. Next, update your terminology, conventions, style, special rules, and formatting details. Type (or copy and paste) any relevant guidance that will help to refine your content output. For many, this will likely be a direct copy/paste from your brand guidelines (Word document, PowerPoint, etc.). Be clear and concise with any additional guidelines, as this will help ensure accuracy. For more information, please reference the Organization settings page.

Style guide in Organization settings
Once saved, these settings will remain until you update them so you won’t have to re-enter them every time.
Adding Data Sources
When LILT provides translation services for an enterprise customer, that customer’s company account automatically creates and passively trains a customized, bespoke language model in each respective language serviced in that company’s account.
If you haven’t previously worked with LILT for translation, your company account will not have these pre-existing customized language models, but you are welcome to add more to your LILT company instance. Examples of content you might want to upload could include translation memories, term bases, and glossaries.
For support uploading additional linguistic assets, please reach out directly to Sarah Sandberg, LILT Create Product Lead ( or your Account Executive.