Program Insights
We're excited to present the Program Insights dashboard which provides in-depth insights into your operations. This user-friendly tool offers customizable visualizations of vital metrics and strategic insights, empowering you to make key decisions and optimize your Localization/AI strategy.
Program Insights:
Use the filters at the top of the page to slice and dice your Program Insights.
Project name: Select individual projects
Language Pair: Select individual language pairs
Stage: Select from following:
In Translation
In Review
In Secondary Review*
Project Complete
Date (project due date): Select time range for projects
*Note the list will depend on your organization’s workflows.
Overview & Language Breakdown
At a quick glance, understand the language breakdown of your localization program.
Total Word Count = Total source words for selected languages and time period
Total Project Count = Total projects for selected languages and time period
Active Projects = Active projects for selected language and time period
Visual Insights
Language Breakdown, percentage of target languages
Target Language Breakdown, number of monthly projects per target language pair
Use these charts and metrics to understand how your language needs have changed over time.
TM Leverage, Volume and Savings
Want to see the value of your translation assets?
See the leverage percent Here you will be able to clearly see how much savings you receive directly as a result of our Contextual AI platform month over month.
Overall TM Leverage
Shows the % of incoming source words where leverage was used. Demonstrating the value of your language assets.
TM Savings
This represents the dollar amount saved as a result of your translation memory.
TM Leverage by Language, monthly trend
See the percentage of source words where leverage was used, broken down by target language over time.
Translated Words by Target Language
See the volume of translated words, broken down by target language over time.