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The LILT + SDL TMS connector enables companies to automatically push and pull web content between SDL and LILT. This saves you time by providing seamless localization while letting you continue to work in the systems you know.


  1. Within SDL, create a new user and provide its login credentials to your contact at LILT. For this example, we'll call the user "LILT SDL User".

  2. Create a workflow template that assigns this user as the linguist under the “translate” step.


Once the connector is configured, content is automatically moved between LILT and SDL as outlined in the sections below.

Project creation

Create a translation project in SDL under the LILT SDL User. LILT periodically checks for new projects assigned to the LILT SDL User. When found, new content is automatically pulled into LILT to create new LILT Projects where the content can be translated.

Existing memories in SDL are automatically shared to LILT and are continuously updated with changes made in LILT. In SDL, you can specify any TMs you want to want shared with LILT.

Project completion

LILT periodically checks for LILT Projects marked as Done. When found, the content of these completed Projects is automatically sent back into SDL and the workflow step is advanced for final review and approval in SDL.

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