Instant Translate Options Deep-Dive
This article outlines how project managers can make use of LILT's Instant Translate options to speed up the translation workflow.
To use Instant Translate, navigate to the desired document within a Project, click the Document Options
button, and then click Pretranslate
. Multiple documents can be Pretranslated at once using Bulk Document Actions.

In the Instant Translate popup, select any options you want and then click the Pretranslate
button to begin translation of the document using Contextual AI. The four options are discussed in the sections below.

Based on the options you select when using Instant Translate, you may see the document progress bars grow. The gray bar indicates translation progress. The green bar indicates review progress. Only confirmed
segments are counted toward the progress bars. The progress bars increase the same as if the segments were confirmed
manually without using Instant Translation.

The following sections in this article detail the functionality of various option combinations:
Running Instant Translate with no options selected
If none of the options are selected when using Instant Translate:
All segments with Exact (100%) or ICE (101%) matches are translated, regardless of letter casing.
Segments with matches of less than 100% are not translated.
Translation attribution is given to the person who made the original translation in the associated Translation Memory.
Segments are not locked for editing in Translate mode, keeping them in-scope.
Segments are not marked as
in Translation mode.Segments are not marked as
in Review mode.
Option #1: Attribute translation authorship
If Option #1 is selected, all translated segments with exact matches will be attributed to the current user running Instant Translate, regardless of attribution within the associated Translation Memory. The translated segments are confirmed
in Translate mode, but can still be edited as needed.
If Option #1 is not selected, attribution will be given to the person who made the original translation in the associated Translation Memory and the segment will not be marked as confirmed
in Translate mode.
Selecting Option #1 can be useful for tracking contributions across an entire Project. As described in the How to Read Project Reports article, within Project Reports, segments generated by Instant Translate are counted as contributions under the designated author’s contribution section. If the project manager is attributed, the contributions will fall under their section. Otherwise, the contributions will be shown under the original translator, who may or may not be working on the Project. If they are working on the Project, the Instant Translate data will be combined with the data from manual contributions.
Option #2: Accept and lock exact matches
If Option #2 is selected, segments with Exact (100%) or ICE (101%) matches are:
in Translate modelocked from editing in Translate mode, moving the segments out-of-scope
in Review mode; reviewers are still able to make edits to these segments in Review mode without needing tounaccept
the segment
Enabling Option #2 is useful for project managers who are confident in the accuracy of a Project’s associated Translation Memory and want to minimize the amount of time translators spend on a document.
If Option #2 is not selected, Exact or ICE match segments:
in Translate mode, but can be edited without needing tounconfirm
the segmentremain unlocked in Translate mode, leaving them in-scope
and are not marked as
in Review mode
Not enabling Option #2 can be useful when starting a new Project where you are borrowing a TM from a previous Project, because the specific translations for the new Project might be slightly different and could need to be adjusted by the translators.
Option #1 and Option #2
Selecting both Option #1 and Option #2 together will mark Instant Translate segments as translated and reviewed. Instant Translate segments will be confirmed
and locked in Translate mode, but reviewers can still edit accepted
segments in Review mode.
This option is useful for Project Managers who are very confident in the accuracy of a Project’s associated Translation Memory and want to minimize the amount of time reviewers spend on a document.
Option #3: Using MT for unmatched segments
If Option #3 is selected, segments that do not have Exact or ICE TM matches will be generated using the Contextual AI Engine. Segments translated this way will not be marked as confirmed
in Translate mode, and thus will not increase the document progress bar. This is shown in the example below that used Option #3 for Instant Translate:

This option is useful for project managers who know they want to make extensive use of MT and want to save time by pre-populating the Contextual AI suggestions using Instant Translate to save their translators time from having to manually populate the suggestions for each segment.
This option is only available for language pairs with MT support.
If Option #3 is not selected, segments that do not have Exact or ICE TM matches will not be translated at all through Instant Translate.
If you use this option in combination with Option #1, be aware that the Instant Translate segments will become locked in the Translate mode, meaning that translators will not be able to fix any issues that arise through Instant Translate. These Instant Translate issues can only be fixed by reviewers.