Adding Users to an Organization
Managers and Administrators have the ability to add members to an organization. Note that managers cannot add administrators.

To add a member to your organization, navigate to the Manage > Users
Use the New User button in the top right corner of the page to invite team members to join the LILT Platform. Input the email address(es) of the user(s) you want to add and assign roles to each, respectively.

Once you have added emails and selected roles for all the users you want to add, click the Invite
button to invite them to the organization. This will send an email from to each user with instructions for setting up their LILT account.

Once a member has been invited, they will show up under the Members
page with the text “Invitee (pending)” under the Name

If a member is unable to locate their invitation email, click the Resend invitation
button to send another invitation email from LILT to their displayed email address.
After a member has accepted your invitation and set up their account, they will show up as a normal user on the Members
page with their Name
populated (if available). Users can set their display name on the Account page.