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Secondary Review

Secondary Review is established when a customer has internal team members that are bilingual or native speakers of the target language and whose roles include reviewing translated content. These customers will review translations in the LILT platform so LILT can capture their feedback in the translation memory and provide a revision report to linguists if necessary. This step is added to the projects in the LILT org using the Translate > Review > Secondary Review workflow.

This article outlines the tools and workflow of a Secondary Reviewer using LILT.

Accessing the Project

Before a Secondary Reviewer can access and begin working on a document, a project manager needs to assign the Secondary Reviewer to the document. The Secondary Reviewer can then accept the document assignment and begin reviewing.

When you have been assigned to review a project, you will receive an email notification from LILT, which will direct you to log into the LILT platform using your login credentials. The project will appear in your LILT dashboard as an ‘Active job.’

Deadline for delivery

Check the deadline for delivery; if you do not feel confident you will meet the delivery deadline, please notify LILT or the original project requestor, so that other arrangements can be made. 

Accepting the assignment

Once you have clicked into the project, you will see all documents associated with the project. To accept the assignment as Secondary Reviewer for the project, first click into the project, then click ‘Accept Secondary Review.’

Secondary Review home page

Reviewing Segments

When a Secondary Reviewer opens a document, it will load LILT Translate in Secondary Review mode. The Secondary Review mode interface is the same editor used for Translation, but with a few slight differences, as described in the Introduction to LILT Translate article.

All segments will appear as confirmed by the original LILT translator. This is visible by the green line and check mark that will appear to the right of the segment.

Segment confirmed state

The various tools and features (as described in the Introduction to LILT Translate article) all come together to create an efficient workflow. The most important tools for Secondary Reviewers to know are the segment editor, Quality Assurance Checks, and hotkeys.

Accepting segments

Review each segment. If no errors are found, you can accept the segment. Accept the segment by clicking the double checkmark in the bottom right corner, or by using the shortcut (Ctrl+Enter). The segment will then be shaded green, indicating it has been successfully reviewed.

Segment accepted

Once accepted, the segment can still be unaccepted and modified in Review or Secondary Review mode, but can no longer be modified in Translate mode. Note: Segments do not have to be confirmed in Translate mode for Secondary Reviewers to accept the segment in Secondary Review mode.

Editing or correcting a segment

If an error is found during Secondary Review, make the necessary changes and use the error typology to provide feedback.

To make an edit or correction to any part of the translation, simply click on the segment and make any changes necessary in the text. Once you are done, click the double check mark on the right side and this will accept the segment.

Using error typology to provide feedback

When you edit or correct a segment, you may be prompted by a pop-up to log the error information if your organization has the mandatory error logging setting turned on.

Within the pop-up, select the appropriate Category, Sub-category and Severity level from the dropdown menus, and provide a comment or explanation of the error and/or change made. Then, click “Add”. For a detailed explanation of the error severities, categories, and sub-categories, please refer to the Section “Error Typology”.


Error logging

Sub-category error logging

Category error logging

Severity error logging

Each edit or correction should be tied to specific error information and a supporting comment. These corrections are later shared with LILT’s team to improve future performance.

When you have updated the segment with error annotations, the flag icon will be updated and the error will be recorded. If the segment contains more than one error, please log the second error in the error annotation. The error count next to the flag will change each time a new error is logged. Error annotations can be edited or deleted by clicking on the three dots and selecting the corresponding option.

Once you are done, click the double check mark on the right side and this will accept the segment.

Accept the segment

Filtering and batch actions

Secondary Reviewers can filter for unreviewed segments by selecting the “View” tab, then “Segments”, then “Unreviewed”. This can help keep track of progress should the Secondary Reviewer need to come back at another time to complete the stage.

Filtering for unreviewed segments

Secondary Reviewers have the option to accept/unaccept multiple segments within a document at once from the Edit tab:

  • Accept all confirmed (shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+Enter): Accept all segments that have been confirmed in Review mode.

  • Unaccept all reviewed (shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+A): Unaccept all segments that have been accepted in Review mode.

Marking the document as done

When all segments in a document have been accepted, a Mark as done popup will appear, allowing the reviewer to mark that the document has been completed in Secondary Review mode. This action will automatically notify LILT that the Secondary Review of the document is complete.

Mark as done popup

If a manager has enabled mandatory Batch QA, the Secondary Reviewer will need to run batch QA checks (which runs a QA check on all the document's segments) before the document can be marked as done.


Run batch QA check

Secondary Reviewer assignments through domains

Secondary Reviewers belonging to a domain can take advantage of a new feature to support assignments by domain. With this feature, Secondary Reviewers are assigned to domains, and identify which languages they support in their LILT profile. LILT’s production management team can then assign a domain as a Secondary Reviewer during the assignment stage, which would share the opportunity with all those qualified. Secondary Reviewers can then accept projects based on their availability. To take advantage of this feature, please follow these steps:

Identify which languages you support on your Secondary Review profile.

  1. Navigate to the profile icon in the bottom left corner and select Profile. 

  2. Add supported Language Pairs. Please note: These need to be the same languages as the projects that come into LILT.

Assign Secondary Reviewers to domains

Follow the steps in to assign Secondary Reviewers to domains.

Assign a domain as the Secondary Reviewer

When a domain is set as the Secondary Reviewer, the assignment will be sent to all users in the Secondary Reviewer role in that domain who have the language pair on their profile. 

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