Mandatory Batch QA Check
Batch QA is a Quality Assurance Tool that checks the entirety of a translated document for errors. Administrators can force a Batch QA check to be run before any document is marked as completed by a translator or reviewer. Enabling mandatory Auto Review helps catch issues earlier and helps reveal issues that might have otherwise slipped through unnoticed.
Mandatory Batch QA
When mandatory Batch QA is enabled and a linguist goes to mark a document for completion, they will be prompted to first run a Batch QA check on the document. Administrators can enable mandatory Batch QA by following these steps:
Open the
page and navigate to the Translate/CAT Editor settings.Toggle any of the options:
Batch QA should be mandatory for Translators, Batch QA should be mandatory for Reviewers
orBatch QA should be mandatory for Secondary reviewers
. By default, mandatory Auto Review is disabled for translators, reviewers and customer reviewers.Once you toggle any of the settings on above, you are also given the option to run Batch QA automatically. When this is enabled, Batch QA will run immediately after the selected workflow step is completed. This means that after the last segment is confirmed/accepted, Batch QA will automatically run. If the user exits before addressing any issues found, they will still need to run Batch QA before then can mark the document as done.

Mandatory Batch QA in Settings

Run Batch QA Check pop-up