Instant Translation with Lilt's Contextual AI Engine
LILT uses Contextual AI to provide quick translations and to provide translation suggestions to linguists working in LILT Translate. Each Data Source has its own Contextual AI model that can be managed from inside the Data Source. Each model starts out as a copy of LILT's baseline model, built using training data. If the in-context learning
option is enabled for the Data Source, the model adapts as linguists process translations in LILT Translate.
Where Contextual AI is used in LILT
LILT Translate segment suggestions.
Pretranslation: Pretranslation comes with the option to utilize Contextual AI to translate any segments that don't have exact matches (100% or 101%).
Instant translate documents and instant translate text: Self-managed customers can utilize Contextual AI to quickly translate documents and blocks of text.
Contextual AI segment suggestions
When working in LILT Translate, translation suggestions are provided to linguists for the active segment. If there are any TM matches above 75%, the best match will be displayed as the suggestion. However, if there are no such TM matches, LILT uses the associated Contextual AI to provide suggestions to the linguist. Note that if the language pair does not have Contextual AI support, no suggestions will be shown.