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Segment Context

LILT's Segment Context sidebar provides linguists with a range of tools to assist with translation. Utilizing these tools helps to maintain consistent translations across documents that share a Data Source.

The Segment Context sidebar displays the following information for the active segment:

  • Any Translation Memory (TM) matches

  • Any Termbase (TB) matches

  • Suggested translation (powered by LILT's Contextual AI Engine)


TM match results

If the active segment matches with any TM entries in the associated Data Source, the matching TM entries are displayed.

TM entry display order:

  • reviewed (green TM icon) / unreviewed (gray TM icon)

  • match percent (matches below 75% are not displayed)

  • most recently updated

Note that while TM entries in the Segment Context sidebar are displayed in order of reviewed/unreviewed status, the reviewed/unreviewed status does not affect TM match prioritization.

If there are any duplicate TM entries, this will be displayed as an identical results dropdown. Click on the dropdown to display the author and time updated data for each of the identical entries.

Use keyboard shortcut “Ctrl + Shift + S” to insert the top TM entry into the segment editor.

TB match results

Matching TB entries are displayed in Segment context sidebar.


Note that terms must be been marked as reviewed to be able to show up as matches.

As described in the Terminology article, new TB entries can be added directly from inside LILT Translate by clicking the Add New button.

TB entry metadata

To view TB entry metadata, expand the dropdown menu and click the information icon.

When importing files, LILT looks for and imports metadata based on common patterns, such as Excel cell locations, JSON keys, web page property types, etc. If your file is highly customized or provides metadata in an alternate method, that metadata may not show up on the Segment Metadata section of the Segment Context sidebar. Metadata fields can also be added inside the LILT application, as described in the following articles:

Metadata typically is structured into relevant information for a given word or phrase in regard to the part of speech, participle, case, as well as links to image context.

Contextual AI result

The Contextual AI result displayed in the Segment Context sidebar is the same as the translation suggestion displayed under the segment when the target text is empty.

The translation suggestion is generated by the trained Contextual AI model and the associated Data Source.


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